
M.Voc in Fashion Design

M.Voc Fashion Design Goals, Vision and Mission of INIFD Bangalore Institute

University HighLights

1. Industry-Anchored Programmes: From concept, to structure, to delivery, we have shared engagement with our industry partners and mentors to multiply the learning journey of the students. This close engagement facilitates the ecosystem to nullify the academia-workspace gap.

2. Competency-based Curriculum & Framework: To make students’ learning measurable and visible beyond marks/grades, the curriculum in active participation of industry experts is aligned to the recent competencies required in a specific sector and packaged into qualification benchmarks. It helps in tracking the programme outcome periodically with improved accuracy.

3. Practice-Driven Pedagogy & Learning in 4D: A minimum of 50% of the curriculum is delivered through practice and application-driven pedagogy brings confidence and understanding. Learning is done in 4 dimensions: On-Campus, Online, On-Site, On-the-Job, bringing diversity to the experiences and keeping the engagement happening and dynamic.

4. Degree with Work Experience (On-Job-Learning/Apprenticeship): Substantial learning at work at the workspace/industry under professional mentors during the programme adds to the confidence and performance in terms of domain and life skills. Actively working with an industry partner as an apprentice for a longer duration brings the edge of having work experience during the degree.

5. Real World Skills & Intelligence: Living with actual diversity of the real world in terms of engagement, experience and expectation add to the upgradation of social skills and intelligence for a seamless migration to the real world.

6. Assured Employability: Having rightfully skilled in all aspects and being Industry ready with work experience makes it more rewarding for the industry to absorb better career flight.

7. World Skills Competitions – Being the Skill Star: Candidates with good performance in respective domain skills will be shortlisted and groomed to represent India at World Skills Competition (Skills Olym-pic).

8. Skill Certifications: The skill quotient of the candidates is also verified by the industry and certified skill assessors through certifications from NSDC.

Association With INIFD

Founded in 1995, the Inter National Institute of Fashion Design (INIFD), with a legacy of 28 glorious years, has emerged as the World’s Largest Network of Design Institutes having centres all across India and abroad. INIFD has established and strengthened its global presence with more than six lakh graduates and 25,000 students passing out every year.

Medhavi Skill University has joined hands with INIFD to offer premium programs in the primary design fields of Fashion Design and Interior Design. The list of programs are mentioned under the Heading “Programmes and Specializations Offered”

Program Outcomes

This two-year program in Fashion Design has been curated for advance knowledge and valuable experience.

The course is project – led, practical oriented which in return is supported by lectures, workshops, industry visits, live presentations to familiarise the students with the Design and garment industry.

• A basic knowledge and understanding of:

• Design, fashion and garment construction

• World textiles and different kinds of costumes and tradition

• Working of the apparel industry

• An in depth knowledge and understanding of:

• Textiles and fabric including different fabrics to be used and how the fabrics are made

• Creative surface embellishments and 2D and 3D embroidery

• Media, fashion and different forms of fashion communication

• Skills and competence in:

• Garment adaptation and construction techniques

• Fashion rendering

• Technical fashion illustrating

• 2D 3D Surface Embellishments

• Dissertation and craft documentation

• Demonstrate skills necessary to operate in a challenging and changing global environment. 


• A healthy and professional attitude, so that he/she is able to:

• Plan and organise work to achieve goals.

Apply research principles, methods and techniques to one’s field of professional practice and write professional reports.

Manage complex technical or professional activities or projects, requiring the exercise of full personal responsibility for output of own work as well as for the outputs of the group.

Adapt to the future of work and to the demands of the fast pace of technological developments and innovations that drive employers ‘demands for skills’, particularly with respect to transition towards more technology-assisted work involving the creation of new forms of work and rapidly changing work and production processes.

• Manage work that is complex and unpredictable and requires new strategic approaches.

• Demonstrate ability to develop and lead teams to achieve team goals.

• Adequate life skills to live a productive life, so, he/she must be able to:

• Embrace and practice constitutional, humanistic, ethical, and moral values.

• Analyse and evaluate evidence from a range of sources to generate solutions to complex problems.

• Make judgements in a range of situations by critically reviewing and consolidating evidence.

• Demonstrate entrepreneurial skill and mindset.

M.Voc Fashion Design Semester Subjects of INIFD Bangalore Classes
M.Voc Fashion Design Semester Subjects of INIFD Bangalore Classes


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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) in M.Voc Fashion Design

  1. What is M.Voc in Fashion Design?

M.Voc in Fashion Design refers to a Master of Vocation degree program focused on the field of fashion design. It is a postgraduate program that offers practical and skill-based education, combining creative design with vocational training in the fashion industry. This program is tailored for individuals who wish to enhance their practical expertise, entrepreneurial skills, and managerial capabilities in the realm of fashion design.

Key information:

  1. M.Voc in Fashion Design is a Master of Vocation degree program.
  2. It offers practical and skill-based education in fashion design.
  3. The program focuses on enhancing practical expertise and entrepreneurial skills.

2. What are the career prospects after completing M.Voc in Fashion Design?

After completing M.Voc in Fashion Design, graduates have promising career prospects in the fashion industry. They can work as fashion designers, fashion consultants, fashion merchandisers, or fashion entrepreneurs. Additionally, graduates can explore opportunities in fashion marketing, brand management, and fashion event planning.

Key information:

  1. Career options include fashion designing, fashion consulting, and fashion merchandising.
  2. Graduates can work as fashion entrepreneurs, establishing their own fashion ventures.
  3. Opportunities exist in fashion marketing, brand management, and fashion event planning.

3. What specialized skills will I acquire during the M.Voc Fashion Design program?

The M.Voc Fashion Design program emphasizes practical skills essential for success in the fashion industry. Students develop expertise in fashion illustration, pattern-making, garment construction, and fashion CAD (Computer-Aided Design). The program also focuses on developing business acumen, marketing strategies, and entrepreneurial skills, empowering graduates to become versatile and well-rounded fashion professionals.

Key information:

  1. Students develop specialized skills in fashion illustration, pattern-making, and garment construction.
  2. They gain proficiency in fashion CAD for digital fashion design.
  3. The program fosters business acumen, marketing strategies, and entrepreneurial skills.

4. Is M.Voc in Fashion Design suitable for individuals with prior work experience in the fashion industry?

Yes, M.Voc in Fashion Design is highly suitable for individuals with prior work experience in the fashion industry. The program’s practical and skill-based approach allows experienced professionals to further enhance their expertise and managerial capabilities. Graduates with prior experience can leverage their practical knowledge and combine it with the advanced skills acquired during the program to excel in leadership roles or venture into fashion entrepreneurship.

Key information:

  1. M.Voc in Fashion Design welcomes individuals with prior work experience in the fashion industry.
  2. The program allows experienced professionals to enhance their practical expertise.
  3. Graduates can leverage their knowledge to excel in leadership roles or fashion entrepreneurship.

5. What sets M.Voc in Fashion Design apart from traditional fashion design master’s programs?

M.Voc in Fashion Design sets itself apart from traditional fashion design master’s programs through its vocational and practical approach. While traditional programs may focus more on theoretical aspects, M.Voc in Fashion Design emphasizes hands-on training, vocational skills, and business acumen. This blend of creativity and practicality makes M.Voc graduates well-prepared to meet the demands of the fashion industry and succeed in various fashion-related careers.

Key information:

  1. M.Voc in Fashion Design adopts a vocational and practical approach to education.
  2. The program focuses on hands-on training and business acumen.
  3. Graduates are well-prepared to meet the demands of the fashion industry.

In conclusion, M.Voc in Fashion Design offers a unique and practical pathway for individuals seeking to excel in the fashion industry. The program equips graduates with specialized skills, entrepreneurial expertise, and business acumen, making them versatile and well-prepared for diverse roles in fashion design and management. For those with a passion for fashion and a desire to combine creativity with vocational training, M.Voc in Fashion Design presents an enriching and rewarding postgraduate journey.



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